Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Certification Online Course
The Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Certification can help build your resume and give you additional skills. Here is a quick list of what you get and the key benefits of the Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Certification.
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Payment Plans: Through PayPal Pay … learn more
The icons provide “quick info.” The tabs and text throughout the page provide more course details.
✅ Accredited Online Course
🔘 Level 1 Pro Certification
🔘 24/7 Course Access
🔘 Student Phone/Email Support
🔘 Online / PDFs / Word Docs / Shipped Book
🔘 Course Objectives
🔘 Up to 8 CECs/CEUs
✅ Course Time Information
🕑 8+ hours – self-paced on your schedule.
🕑 Can be done in 1 week by studying 2-4 hours a day.
🕑 2 months to complete – college students only. Go to the FAQS for extension information.
✅ Over $500 FREE Bonuses
◉ Lifetime Certification – No Renewal Fees
◉ Professional Certification Credential Designation
◉ Professional Certification CEU/CEC Certificate
◉ Exam and Exam Retakes
◉ When you complete a course you will be added to the GMP Fitness Loyalty Discount Program
Go to the> “What You Get” Tab
✅ GCAQ Achievement Recognition Package-Optional
Celebrate your achievement and showcase your skills with a GCAQ College, Career, and Life Readiness Achievement Package that can be used digitally and/or printed. Includes:
🕑 GCAQ Verifiable Credential Designation
🕑 Lifetime Verifiable Credentials – No Renewal Fees
Go to the GCAQ Achievement Recognition Package tab.
The Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Certification Online Course provides all the tools needed to help improve cycling nutritional performance, prevent cycling injuries and enhance training techniques for pain-free cycling. Learn more > course objectives.
Note: There is a Shipping Fee for the Book.
Become a CERTIFIED Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist
Whether you’re a professional or a weekend cyclist, proper conditioning is essential for injury prevention.
In this step-by-step cycling instructor Online Course you get cycling skills, gear, and training drills to boost speed, gain power and increase efficiency and expand your marketability to individuals who bike or who want to compete in cycling events.
What GMP Fitness® Level is a Certified Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist?
Stand Out and Gain Greater Recognition: The Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Certification Online Course provides you with a Level 1 Professional Certification Credential Designation. This “Professional” Specialization Credential will help set you apart and set you up with skills and abilities to help clients with cycling injury prevention programming and training exercises and stretches. TRANSFORM LIVES with a GMP Fitness® Professional Specialist Certification Credential. An Accredited Holistic Fitness Certification that will deepen your knowledge and boost your resume.
How do I Become a GMP Fitness® Certified Professional Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist?
To become a Certified Cycling Prevention Specialist you will need to complete the Online Hybrid Course (Materials: Book/PDFs) and pass the Final Exam.
What Advanced Course Bundle is the Professional Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Certification included in?
The Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Certification Online Course is included in the GMP Fitness® ADVANCED Triathlon Training Specialist Certification Online Course Bundle. There are 2 other Online Courses in this GMP Fitness® Bundle. See below for details on how you qualify for “GMP Fitness® Quadruple Credential Designations,” 25+ CEUs/CECs, and the option for Board Certification with this GMP Fitness® ADVANCED Holistic Fitness Online Course Bundle.
How Long Will It Take to Complete the Professional Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Certification Online Course?
The Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Certification Online Course is 8+ hours. If you were to commit to 2 hours a day you would complete the course in under 7 days.
What are the GMP Fitness® Online Course Advantages?
✓ Mobile and Tablet Optimized
✓ Certificate of Completion
✓ Supplemental Resources
✓ Client Tip Handout and/or Charts
✓ Amazing GMP Fitness® support—Our support is ready when you are.
✓ Study at your own pace. Take all the time you need to study and practice.
✓ No Extra or Added Fees – Everything is included in the price. “What You Get.”
How do the Professional Holistic Online Courses Work?
✓ Enroll in the course.
✓ Download the course components.
✓ Complete any online lessons.
✓ Complete the online evaluation.
✓ Take the online final exam.
✓ Receive your Certificate.
✓ Go back to the extra assignments anytime you like and learn more.
How do the Professional Holistic Fitness Online Course Final Exams Work?
✓ Open-book exam.
✓ No time limit to take.
✓ 30 questions
✓ Paper option.
✓ A passing grade is 80%.
✓ More Final Exam FAQS.
GMP Fitness® Holistic Fitness Online Course Accreditations and Approvals
The GMP Fitness® Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Certification Online Course is fully Accredited and Approved by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP), and others. Click here for CEC/CEU Approvals.
Who is the GMP Fitness® Professional Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Certification Online Course For?
Everyone can learn from this program. The Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Certification Online Course is for anyone wanting to improve and advance their personal and professional growth and knowledge of a holistic approach to a fit and healthy lifestyle.
It is suitable for a wide array of health experts and professionals including certified health and fitness professionals, personal trainers, group fitness instructors, health educators, wellness program directors, medical exercise specialists, chiropractors, chiropractic assistants, sports coaches, recreational activity instructors, physical therapists, massage therapists, athletic trainers, registered dietitians, occupational therapists, safety experts, physical education teachers, recreational activity instructors, registered nurses, certified nurse assistants, naturopaths, herbalists, physicians, osteopaths, and other allied health professionals.
Why Become a GMP Fitness® Certified Professional Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist?
→ Enhance your current health or fitness-based career and also specialize in a niche.
→ Enhance your professional knowledge and gain a competitive advantage.
→ Build your business to help your clients achieve their cycling improvement goals through a holistic approach.
→ Discover personal and professional growth.
→ Define your vision and pursue your passion.
When you Successfully Complete Any Nationally and Internationally Accredited GMP Fitness® Professional Holistic Sports and Fitness Certification Online Course:
1. YOU GET a Professional Specialist Certification Credential Designation – GMP Fitness® Certified “Professional” Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist.
2. YOU GET Valuable CECs/CEUs. You can achieve and fulfill continuing education hours in many professions. This Accredited Professional Specialist Certification Course Credential is approved for up to 8 CECs/CEUs.
What is the GMP Fitness® Quadruple Credential Certification and How Do You Qualify for it?
When you enroll in the GMP Fitness® Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Certification Online Course you qualify for “GMP Fitness® Quadruple Credential Designations.”
How do you qualify? Now or at another time simply enroll in the 2 other courses that make up the GMP Fitness® ADVANCED Triathlon Training Specialist Certification Online Course Bundle. These include the:
• Running Injury Prevention Specialist Certification Online Course
• Triathlon Injury Prevention Specialist Certification Online Course
Again, all 3 courses make up the GMP Fitness® ADVANCED Triathlon Training Specialist Certification Online Course Bundle. When you successfully complete all 3 courses and pass 3 final exams you earn the 3 GMP Fitness® Professional Credential Designations and 1 GMP Fitness® Advanced Credential Designation as well. These 4 Credential Designations display your dedication to your career, your profession, and those you work with.
And if you are ready to order the entire Certification Online Course Bundle NOW – you will get a Discount! Just click here to enroll in the GMP Fitness® ADVANCED Triathlon Training Specialist Certification Online Course Bundle NOW.

Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Certification
GMP Big Advantage – Hybrid Course – Online content with a book. You get instant access to the online part of the course so you can dive in and start learning right away, while the required book is shipped to you.
Downloadable Components
✓ Course Book
✓ Cycling Plans & Programs
✓ Cycling Exercise Charts
✓ Trainer and Client Charts
✓ Resource Articles & Podcasts
✓ Resource Quiz & Infographics
Shipped Component
✓ Book – included in the price
Note: A shipping charge will apply
Online Components
✓ Lesson Plan Steps
✓ Final Exam and Instant Grading
Over $500 FREE Bonuses
✓ Lifetime—24/7 access.
✓ Course support.
✓ No recertification renewal fees.
✓ NO fees to take the exam.
✓ NO fees for exam retakes.
✓ Your Specialist Designation does not expire.
✓ Professional Certification CEU/CEC Certificate included.
✓ When you complete a course you will be added to the GMP Fitness Loyalty Discount Program.
✓ Expand racing and recovery knowledge.
✓ Amplify knowledge of nutritional habits.
✓ List 10 cycle safety and first aid tips.
✓ List 10 beginner cycling tips.
✓ List six helmet fit and adjustment tips.
✓ Recognize the importance of race-day strategies.
✓ Define the training palette of cyclists.
✓ Identify cycling equipment and clothing.
✓ Identify and describe cycling-related injuries.
✓ Explain ways to prepare for competition.
✓ Describe the importance of pre-, during, and post-activity nutrition, electrolytes, and vitamins.
✓ Apply year-round conditioning principles to workout programs.
✓ Practice self-care bodywork techniques.
✓ Demonstrate safe cycling exercises.
Continuing Education Certificates (CECs/CEUs)
Continuing Education Credits (CECs/CEUs) are for all students.
• They can be used to show you have gained a new skill, deepened your knowledge, enhanced your academic capabilities, broadened your learning abilities, and added to your expertise.
• For professional licensure they can be applied as part of a renewal process for your organization.
→ After you pass the final exam and email the required documents a CEU/CEC Certificate will emailed to you within 2 business days, but usually the day you pass the exam.
CECs/CEUs, Accreditations & Certification Board Approvals
GMP Fitness is internationally and nationally approved and accredited by the following organizations.
✓ American College of Sports Medicine —ACSM*—8—see the statement below
✓ ACTION Certifciation—ACTION—0.8
✓ American Fitness Professionals Association—AFPA—8
✓ British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association—BCRPA—8
✓ New Brunswick Fitness—FNB—8
✓ International Fitness Professionals Association—IFPA—8
✓ International Tennis Performance Association—ITPA*—8—see the statement below
✓ International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)—8 with a Petition*
✓ National Academy of Sports Medicine—NASM—.8 with a Petition*
✓ National Federation of Professional Trainers—NFPT—1
✓ National Strength Professionals Association—NSPA—8
✓ Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association—SPRA—8
✓ American Senior Fitness Association—SFA—0.8
✓ World Instructor Training Schools—WITS—8
*The American College of Sports Medicine accepts CECs if another major fitness organization approves the GMP Fitness® Courses, for example, the ISSA, NASM, etc.), even if ACSM is not listed.
* International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)—8 CEUs with a petition. GMP Fitness® will deduct $25 from your order or refund your order $25 to offset the petition fee which is a simple online process.
*National Academy of Sports Medicine—.,8 CEUs but with a petition. GMP Fitness® will deduct $25 from your order or refund your order $25 to offset the petition fee which is a simple online process. After you pass the course you put in the name of the provider (GMP Fitness), the course hours (8 hours which is .8 CEUs), and the date of completion, upload the certificate you receive for the course, and pay $25.
* The International Tennis Performance Association—IITPA
ITPA members can earn continuing credits for their certifications through GMP Fitness®.
Special Notes
If you do not see your certification company in the list below (for example, NASM, ACE, NSCA, or others—please email info@gmpfitness.com (or click here). The course may be pending approval, being considered for approval, or may need to be petitioned. You can email for a discount to offset the petition fee. We can also help with any information about the petition process that may be needed.
* Military discount 10% off. Please email us for the discount code.
Other Professionals
For all other professionals – including (but not limited to) chiropractors, doctors, physical therapists, massage therapists, naturopaths, nurses, teachers, etc., please email info@gmpfitness.com if you are interested in taking this course and receiving CEs. We may be able to offer you a discount on the course (to help offset a potential petition fee) if your organization is not currently approved as a CEC/CEU Provider. We may also be able to send the course to your state, organization, etc. for approval.
You can also check with your State or Board to find out if they will accept the course for continuing education credits.
GMP Fitness® Exam Facts
✓ Exam instructions are online.
✓ Multiple-choice and true/false questions.
✓ You must pass the exam with 80% or higher.
✓ NO time limit to take the exam.
✓ You can save your final exam if you cannot complete it in one sitting.
✓ Immediate grading and exam results.
✓ NO fees to take the exam–included in the Free Bonuses.
✓ NO fees to retake the exam–included in the Free Bonuses.
Recognition—Your Reward For Excellence
→ Title: GMP Fitness® Certified Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist
Validation of Learning For Credit and Non-Credit
You will receive an electronic version of your Certificate, which can be printed for your records and also redeemed for CEUs/CECs with your organization or school. The number of credits can be found on your Certificate.
Simple Steps To Get Your Certificate
1. Pass the online final exam.
2. Receive your Professional Certification CEC/CEU Certificate
3. Professional Certification CEC/CEU Certificate will be emailed to you within 2 business days, but usually the day you pass the exam.
GCAQ Achievement Recognition Package
For the Achievement Recognition Certificates – Go to the “GCAQ Achievement Recognition Package” Tab. These Credentials are GREAT for your PORTFOLIO!
SUPERCHARGE Your Portfolio and Resume With Credential Verification Certificates & Badges
GMP Fitness® Distinguished Achievement Recognition Certification Certificates and Badge Certificates are earned credentials and rewarded recognition. They are an indicator of accomplishment, added skills, and knowledge. They offer a way to share your new skills and abilities.
Title: GMP Fitness® Certified Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist
GCAQ Achievement Recognition Package
You get Certificates and Badge Wallet Cards with a variety of GMP Fitness Credential Logos.
🏆 Verifiable Professional Certification Credential Certificates
Distinguished Black and White & Color Certificates (PDFs)
🏆 Verifiable Professional Certification Credential Badges
Badge Wallet Cards (10 per/PDF)
👏 Lifetime Verifiable Credentials – No Renewal Fees
→ GCAQ Packages have a fee. After you enroll in the course there will be Information on how to get this package.
Display your accomplishments and new skills.
You get an assortment of Certificates and Badges and display them online, on social media, blogs, websites, or printed for use in a portfolio, resume, business cards, or framed and put on a wall. You can also put them in a display case, as a banner on a wall, or in a shadow box.
What does it take to become a Professional Specialist?
You will need to complete the course and pass the final exam.
Keeping your Credentials Current
There are no fees to keep your credentials current, as this is included in the Free Bonuses. However, we encourage students to pursue further education to elevate their skills, fortify their knowledge, and demonstrate dedication and commitment to their clients and profession.
How long do I have to complete the Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Certification?
The time frame to complete the Cycling Injury Prevention Specialist Course is 2 months to complete – college students only. If you cannot complete the course in 2 months please email info@gmpfitness.com. All other students should complete the course in 6 months.
You will have 24/7 access to this course. You are welcome to revisit the materials as many times as you like. The length of time required to complete the course depends on the individual’s dedication and available time to study.
Professional (P) Course Prerequisites
There is just one prerequisite to qualify for any of the GMP Fitness® Courses: you need to be a high school junior (homeschooling similar time frame). Keep in mind that these courses are for career and workplace readiness, hard and soft skill building, and professional and personal growth that can be applied to various professions.
Customer Course Support
As part of the GMP Fitness® commitment to customer service, you will receive exceptional customer support. If you have a question after purchasing the course, please email info@gmpfitness.com.
I gained how to prevent cycling injury. I will be including in specific cycling program, exercises that will prevent injury. The course is very well done and explained in a simply way.
Strength conditioning with the stability ball. Application starting from beginning to advanced.
Specific training drills for cycling. What muscles are directly affected from cycling. I will be using this in my spin classes, as well as coaching with Triathlon PEI.
Knowledge of riding How will you apply the content of this continuing education course all riders.
I was amazed at the number of variables that can cause injuries. I will share this info with the special Olympian cycling team I am associated with.
Sharing information, implement exercise programs, and suggestions to prevent injuries or discomfort that can occur when cycling. The course was interesting and informative.The course was beneficial and complete. Very worth while.
Better understanding of cycling as a whole. i will apply in my own spinning classes and possibly if i become spinning certified
How to combine nutrition and physiology to work in conjunction with cycling injury prevention. Will be able to assist clients with proper form and techniques to avoid injury to maintain and exceed their goals. Great book and course! Very insightful!
This is a fantastic class. I have a better understanding of how to reduce cycle injuries in my classes. I will use this knowledge to improve the cycle prevention methods to my students.
A very well organized, executed and full of very valuable information. Any trainer, especially those who have any clients that cycle can utilize this course. The course will bring valuable education and information regarding the basics to the various complexities of the sport of cycling. The beginne ...Read More