Posture Analysis Specialist Certification Reviews

Posture Analysis Specialist Certification Reviews

Become a Certified Posture Analysis Specialist

Use the reviewer feedback captured below to help you when making a decision when purchasing the Posture Analysis Specialist Certification course.

Also, you can learn how personal trainers and other professionals are using new training techniques and skills they learned from the Posture Analysis Specialist Certification course with their clients.

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I gained additional knowledge about postural exercises by using the G Ball. Using the G ball promotes a much smoother stretch that with some other aids. The Postural Assessment sheet make are extremely helpful from a visual perspective. Having the charts already as templates will save time as well. Good refresher and I got some additional tools and exercises and stretches to use. – Sharon Grable, ACE Certified Professional

I have gained the ability to more accurately assess and help my participants correct postural problems. By addressing these problems first, I can safely progress my participants through movement experiences knowing that it will be easier for them to adhere to proper form for their own safety and comfort. In my movement classes, we always begin with body awareness and posture. Some of the exercises in this program are of benefit to all my participants, and I will be introducing those exercises to the class in general. Participants needing corrective exercises will be asked to perform those routines that can help them with their individual issues. I work with female participants who are generally experiencing disconnect and discomfort being in their bodies. The exercises in this program are perfect for them, because they are effective without being overly complicated or demanding a “gym mentality”. My students are enjoying them! – Cynthia Dalessio, ACE Certified Professional

An awareness of ways to correct posture imbalances. Utilizing the material to identify posture imbalances and exercises to help correct them. – Patience B. Martin, NASM Certified Professional

New exercises, plus a survey on how to understand the positions of how other people position themselves. I will apply the content by using the graphs, kind of like an assessment. The graphs were the best. – Sean O’Brien, AFPA Certified Professional   

I gained posture analysis form and exercise ideas. I teach at a college and university and want to implement a posture analysis section into the course material. I wish there was a second and more advanced posture analysis form that goes into imbalances etc. – Jennifer Miller, ACE Certified Professional

New tools to assess older clients. Identifying weaknesses in clients’ postural muscles. – Robert Seto, ACE Certified Professional

Improve posture awareness for clients. Proper assessment for posture. – Joy Wenger, ACE Certified Professional

I have several clients I am currently using this on. More knowledge in treating people with postural issues. – Suzanne L Dobias, AFPA Certified Professional   

Validation and increase of knowledge about posture analysis and appropriate exercises.Use with older adult clients and share with colleagues. Having exercises in both written and video form is very helpful. – Lynn Glaeser, AFPA/NSCA Certified Professional

I will first apply lessons learned to my own posture. A better knowledge on analyzing posture and exercises that can enhance posture. Excellent – the Posture Analysis Specialist Certification course and delivered in a most timely manner. Thanks! – Emmett Lewis Conner, ACE Certified Professional

Knowledge about analyzing posture. I will use the knowledge to analyze and correct postural deficiencies. – Benjamin Soto Roberts, ACE Certified Professional

I gained corrective exercises for posture. – Nancy Golinski, ACE Certified Professional

I have gained a better understanding of how to incorporate exercises for individuals with multiple and dual posture alignments. I will utilize the resources provided to alter exercises and programs to my participants to better help their specific body type. – Jacklyn Morris, ACE Certified Professional

I’ve gained so much knowledge regarding improving my client’s posture. I’m already seeing improvements in my client’s posture. Great course! – April Marie McDaniel,WITS Certified Professional

Core strength assessment, reasons and actual exercises that treat posture deficiencies. I will assess my clients and give them individual guidance pertaining to their specific needs. – Heidi Brown, ACE Certified Professional

Better understanding of golf mechanics. New therapeutic exercise ideas. Feel more confident about my own golf potential. I mainly work as a physical therapist and work with many rehab patients wanting to recover from injury and return to golf. The Posture Analysis Specialist Certification course material will help me in this department as well as possibly branching out as personal trainer for golf conditioning clients. – Clarisa Reynolds, ACE Certified Professional

More stability ball exercises to do with the variety of clients I have. I will determine my clients posture and then move into correcting his/her posture. – Heather Shourds, ACE Certified Professional

A greater understanding of posture alignment and corrections. By assessing clients’ posture and applying corrective exercises. – Tina Catron, AFPA Certified Professional

When you do continuing education it is always a reminder of information learnt and sometimes forgotten. It has given me the information to help correct minor posture issues. Many of my clients have pelvic imbalances and this will help me help them. Posture Analysis Specialist Certification course – A very informative course. – Katharine R. Barber, ACE Certified Professional

You can’t build a house without a foundation. I have a lot of post-rehab clients so these are great, simple easy to follow stretches and exercises to uses that can be progressive depending upon each client.  And as of now I will always do a posture analysis screen with every client. You get a Free 20 min posture analysis screen 🙂 And this can even be a marketing tool to attract new clients. – Amy McAndrew, ACE Certified Professional

I definitely learned new exercises/ stretches for lordosis, kyphosis and bad posture in general. I have multiple clients that have either kyphosis or bad posture in general so knowing new material from the Posture Analysis Specialist Certification course will be great way to help them and also I am going to share my new knowledge with rest of the trainers at our fitness center. I liked the videos a lot. Very helpful to see the movement. – Martina Bevis, AFPA Certified Professional

It gave me some ideas to use with my senior citizen aged clients. Stability and balance is key, as well as posture correction. I will use it with my clients, especially when doing and initial evaluation where posture analysis is noted. The videos are clear and easy to understand. Michael Ferren, ACE Certified Professional

I gained a much clearer focus on the physical disabilities that many Americans face day to day or inherit through poor posture. I love that it requires very little tools to get such results that will help my clients improve their flexibility, the range of motion while strengthening without all the gym fuss. I’ve already been applying this content as I noticed even clients who have exercised regularly still had pain from conditions not exactly directly addressed before attempting any progressions GMP Fitness course was so easy to use and love that it provided the videos and explanation which helped get through the course with a better understanding. – Marisol Garner, AFPA Certified Professional

I gained a better understanding of postural analysis and new ideas to help train the body. Can create better strategies and program design. –  Adam Chewning, ACE Certified Professional

I will use the stability ball the exact way as it is presented in the Posture Analysis Specialist Certification course to teach the stretches I will choose for.  Martina Bevis, AFPA Certified Professional

Better understanding of the body. – Jason Hill, ACE Certified Professional

Love the stretches and the videos. I will use this on myself and family and clients. – Cathleen Kelly, AFPA Certified Professional

A better understanding of postural considerations for individuals, especially those of lower functioning. I will assess clients initially for postural considerations and focus on correcting those first before moving into more intensive training. – Devin T Miller, ACE Certified Professional

I have gained a way to better assess my clients and how to better help them achieve better posture for overall better health. I will use it during my fitness classes and at the beginning of my massage sessions. – Karen Sonnenwald, AFPA Certified Professional

Always beneficial to review posture essentials! When first assessing clients and looking for muscular imbalances, I will use the postural training I learned through the Posture Analysis Specialist Certification course. – Amy Gross, ACE Certified Professional

I felt is was easy to follow and very informative. I learned a lot. Before the Posture Analysis Specialist Certification course I could identify specific poor postures, now I am able to use the G Ball exercises to help correct the muscular imbalances. I already have applied it. I put every client through a dynamic warm up. I put a lot of focus on the shoulders,hips,and hamstrings using the G ball exercises. – M.R, ACE Certified Professional

A better understanding of how G-Ball conditioning exercises can be used to strengthen and improve posture. I’d like to work in some of these exercises into the core and conditioning portion of a client’s program.  I think this will really help with middle-aged/older sedentary adults who are looking to become active and improve their movement patterns. This information is very simple to understand but very powerful in its possible applications.” – Thomas Nace, ACE Certified Professional

Different ways to activate and deactivate muscles to prep for exercise. understanding of movement patterns and the usage of those in exercise. – Charlotte Klabacha, AFPA Certified Professional

Posture is a huge issue for most seniors. G Ball techniques will definitely be used with a majority of my clients. Advanced knowledge to help the senior population at my gym. – Laura Plank, NASM and ACE Certified Professional

I’ve learned how to analyze one’s posture and learned the right tools to fix postural errors. I will be implementing these exercises into my client’s programs, depending on which exercise is needed. – Timothy Yeh, ACE Certified Professional

I have gained the knowledge necessary to assist my clients in the correct posture needed when training. In addition, I can now explain in better detail the importance of posture in daily activities and in exercising. I will use it to explain better posture to my clients when training. I will also use it in my own daily life. Great course. I really liked it. – Stephanie Trautmann, AFPA Certified Professional

Ways to help clients increase flexibility and strength in the core and other areas of the body. Helping people who have imbalances correct them. – Doria Dahl, ACE Certified Professional

A better understanding of types of postural problems and exercises to improve them. Also, I gained familiarity with a G-Ball. I have never used one before, but may start because of information supplied in this course. I am inspired to try some of these exercises for my personal benefit. – Leonard Joseph Zofrea

Knowledge of exercises to use for appropriate imbalances. I will use it for not only myself but also clients. – Anthony Shovlowsky, ACE Certified Professional

Better knowledge on exercises for my clients who need help with posture. Use with clients and in classes when appropriate. – Becky Dallum, SFA Certified Professional

Tips on everyday life to correct posture. Applying it to everyday life. – Jenna Williams, ACE Certified Professional

Mainly I gained a much fuller understanding of chiropractic philosophy and why it may help people. Chiropractic care is now something I can present as an option for treatment, alongside physical therapy, etc. – Landon Harris, CI Certified Professional

Exercise ideas. Good foundation in an undervalued area of fitness currently. – Jakob Karpik, BCRPA Certified Professional

Working posture and balance will help with the population that I teach. Futures the ability to help teach my seniors posture, balance and awareness. Enjoyed the Posture Analysis Specialist Certification course very much. – Barbara Gentle

Use of ball exercises. – Alexandra Treadwell, ACE Certified Professional

Top quality professional training. I am very impressed with the instruction, presentation, and information. I learned so much from this program and can’t wait to incorporate it into my fitness plan! I am very thankful for the knowledge you share in an easy to understand format. Thank you for a wonderful addition to my training program. I will analyze each client’s posture and then incorporate the correct exercises into their fitness program. I learned some excellent techniques and exercises to share with my clients. After evaluating my own posture, I now have some exercises to practice to help improve my rotated hip. The DVD and CD-Rom are very professional and well done. They are chock full of great information!  Joanna Parsons, WITS Certified Professional

I gained knowledge of better posture. I will help people with bad posture and I can now apply my new info to help better there posture. Its AWESOME!! … thanks!!!  Daryl Dixson, AFPA Certified Professional

Good insight into observing and analyzing clients postures and how to implement training strategies to overcome their postural deficiencies. I will apply the course material by conducting posture analysis to individual clients and work on corrective training with them. Also, to offer trainings in large group work settings. A very beneficial course, not only for the people I train, but also for my own future as a fitness professional.  Daniel Lee Mishkin, WITS Certified Professional

I have gained many new and safe exercises for my clients. I will apply the content for my personal training clients. I love how the course is set up and the precise and well explained information.  Anne Doiron, WITS Certified Professional

Posture is of utmost importance. It not only helps a person to look better, but it may prevent future injury and pain. No slouching! I will use the exercises suggested in the course and apply to my clients. Also useful information is great for my own knowledge. This is great, keep them coming!  Nadja Lewis, NASM Certified Professional

I’ve gained some important insights on how to correct my clients posture with exercises. I will start assessing my clients posture as I’ve learn and applied the right exercises to promote good posture. I recommend this course to other fitness professionals that really want to make a difference.  Delmar Carey, AFPA Certified Professional

Your courses have been a pleasure for me to take and are a value-add to my practice. I love your offerings and your approach to customer service!  John F. Stampfli, NETA Certified Professional

The best part of the Posture Analysis Specialist Certification course was that the instructor provides a whole series of exercises for each of 4 specific posture challenges. This will be incredibly useful in helping individual clients feel more confident and pain-free!.  Sarah R Sutton, ACE Certified Professional

Better understanding of posture and corrective exercise. Work with individual clients to assess posture, talk to them about corrective exercise and performing exercises with them to help them gain a better understanding.  Beth Shumaker, NETA Certified Professional

This was the first home study course I have ever undertaken; and I must say, I was nicely surprised at how informative that it ended up being for me. I look so forward to using the information and exercises I obtained from this study course in my exercise classes and with my clients. Bravo, GMP Fitness!  Erin Bowlby

New Techniques and New Ideas. Trying New Exercises With Each Client. It Was Great. Thank You!  Justin Charles Jacobs, ACE Certified Professional

I have learned exercises how on how to correct postural imbalances. I have learned the foundations of good posture and all weight training can improve on this. I am a fitness specialist and I conduct fitness assessments. This will be useful in giving members exercises so they can improve their posture.  Katharine S Cummings, ACE Certified Professional

I’ve learned simple, basic, yet thorough postural assessments and corrections for common deviations that will hinder someone maximizing their health and fitness. I’ll use it to assess and spot postural deviations, then recommend the exercises that will correct them as part of an overall health/fitness program. It was easy to follow, clear in its instruction, and thorough in the processes that it recommends.  Korey Samuelson, ACE Certified Professional

I have increased my knowledge in depth with regards to Posture Analysis. I now feel more confident and more secure when dealing with clients and or patients. I will apply the knowledge by diagnosing the client and/or patient using the knowledge I have learned and will continue to treat it with all that I have learned.  Daniel Nathan Zammit, AFPA Certified Professional

I shall be working with a number of the recommended exercises for them. I am excited to implement the material that is contained in the course. It is clearly presented. Everything is logically done. The demonstrations and directions are easily followed. The conditions that they help to remedy are also well stated.  Carol A. Witham, ACE Certified Professional

Excellent outline. I especially enjoyed the charts with exercises outlined for the various postural dysfunctions. I will put them to good use!  Therese Ann Frazier

I have learned how to pay close attention to a client’s posture very carefully before deciding what kind of exercises I will have them do. I will be able to pick specific stability ball exercises that will help my client improve their body structure and correct their body postures. It was a very informative and well-done course with plenty of good information on posture and stability ball exercises.  John Mosca, WITS Certified Professional

I have learned the basics of posture correction. I will utilize this information in my community college classes as part of our fitness section. The content was great.  Patricia Jackson, ACE Certified Professional

Great exercises geared towards specific body posture imbalances I can have clients of all levels perform. I will apply directly with the exercises given. I thought it was great!  Yu Hannah Kim, ACE Certified Professional

I gained an energizing boost that will make me go and check the inflation levels in all of my client’s G Ball equipment. I have said this before, and I continue to say it again to the coaches that I coach. The understanding of anatomy is the basis of a good trainer! I like all of the GMP Fitness G Ball programs. This program, the postural analysis specialist is my favorite.  Andrea Arnold, ACE Certified Professional

I gained knowledge of better posture. I will help people with bad posture and I can now apply my new info to help better there posture. Its AWESOME!! … thanks!!!  Daryl Dixson, AFPA Certified Professional 

New corrective exercises for my clients. I will include a postural assessment with all of my clients.  Donald Denton, ACE Certified Professional

More awareness of the importance of good posture in exercise programming.  Paul O’Brien, ACE Certified Professional

I will use the information to assess my clients.  Great course. Thank you.  Kimberly Nicole Javskon, AFPA Certified Professional

The understanding of what true posture is and how to identify faulty patterns and the pain and health issues that can come from poor posture. I will use it to help clients learn what type of poor posture they may have and give them the corrective exercises to improve their posture and reduce or get rid of their pain. I am pleased to have an easy to read and follow format that makes sense and gets right to the point! I enjoyed and learned plenty on how to better analyze my own posture and my clients posture! Thank you!  Penny Tisko, AFPA Certified Professional

I strive to make sure clients are able to maintain a neutral position when applicable, but often find posture limitations that make it difficult for clients to find a neutral spine. I gained the ability to take better analyze a client’s posture and how to make appropriate corrections for safe training from the Posture Analysis Specialist course.  Katie Kost, ACE Certified Professional 

I personally have already learned these concepts and exercises, but I believe this course is useful for someone just learning to assess and treat postural issues. The exercises specific to each issue were helpful. I will be able to be more specific to each spinal issue rather than just teaching general core exercises.  Connie Townsend, ACE Certified Professional

A better understanding on how to correct postural issues not only for myself but in my classes. I will add the exercises into my classes.  Jessica Hough, ACE Certified Professional

The stability ball is an effective tool to help improve stability, muscle imbalances and overall posture. Utilize the exercises with clients that display improper posture.  Rhonda Stillman, ACE Certified Professional

I understand how posture affects health as well as athletic performance. I will always include posture analysis, education and training with clients as a regular part of my work. This is a beneficial course for personal trainers. Throughout the course, I recognized posture issues that I have seen, and am pleased to be able to advise clients about posture.  Judith C Evans, ACE Certified Professional

More awareness of the importance of good posture in exercise programming.  Paul O’Brien, ACE Certified Professional

I`m an Egyptian certified fitness specialist from ( Olympic academy for sports leaders) Cairo and I’m gym owner at Cairo too. This course gave me many workouts on the G Ball to do it with my clients routine .. it really shows how to prevent a lot of injuries that common in our community. The course gives me new eyes when I look to my clients. We are really suffered from current civilization which leads to bad habits.  Muhammad Helmy Taha Hassan, Certified Professional

I gained some useful exercises to add to my corrective exercise programs. With corrective exercise clients.  Jillann Lindstrom-Moore, ACE Certified Professional


The muscles involved in having and maintaining good posture. It will make me better at assessing my clients posture and also implementing stretches and exercises to correct any imbalances.   Daniel Hernandez, ACE Certified Professional

Specific exercises to use with clients to correct 4 different posture challenges. I will apply the content possibly with corporate occupational health requests. Sarah R Sutton, ACE Certified Professional

I enjoyed the different diagrams and charts/forms provided. Very helpful!   Anthony Mammoliti, Certified Professional

Safe and effective methods to help my clients prevent injuries and re-injuries. Many options for correcting posture issues without putting the client at undue risk.I work with athletes and former athletes who either want to prevent injury or have been cleared to work out after healing from an injury. The latter requires many creative methods to safely yet effectively get them back into the game I plan on using many of the exercises and stretches here to do just that.  Natalie Langford, NFPT Certified Professional

An awareness of the different postures to look for in my clients. I am also a dance teacher so posture is very important. I will now be able to asses their posture with more accuracy.  Tesha Marie Jacobson, ACE Certified Professional

Adapt postural exercises for geriatric patients majority of whom have kyphosis and/or elevated/rotated postural deficits.  Ellen M. Moran, ACE Certified Professional

The Posture Analysis Specialist Certification course provided new exercises that I can use to work with clients.  Jill McGowan, ACE Certified Professional

I learned how to properly analyze and treat poor posture and teach clients appropriate stretches.  Donna Woll, ACSM Certified Professional

This was a very well disciplined course. It now gives me additional knowledge that I can overlap with other assessing skills that I have to use when screening current and new clients. Thank you for the course.  Patrick Byrne, WITS Certified Professional

Better eye awareness with proper posture of my golf and older adults. Again, this course will help me to continue my professionalism among my piers.  Rebecca Byrket, ACE Certified Professional

The course provided a good foundation for analyzing postural deficiencies and offering corrective exercises for reducing discomfort. By using the G Ball strengthening and stretching exercises with clients I hope to help them correct structural issues that cause pain and discomfort.  Lucy Bartimole, WITS Certified Professional

I  gained numerous exercises to correct posture and how to access someone’s posture. I teach exercise classes to adults with Parkinson’s. I will incorporate the posture assessment, stretches and exercises with my clients.  Christine L. Waters, NASM Certified Professional

Assessment knowledge and tips for improving posture. Tips from stabilization, exercises to strengthen trunk of body and computer placement. Current clients with obvious bad posture I will take through the necessary corrective exercises using the G Ball and help them regain balance and stability. I appreciated the DVD, which was easy to follow. Thank you!  Diane M Meola, AFPA Certified Professional

I gained a better knowledge of proper body alignment and some good exercises to do to correct improper posture. I found this course to be informative and gave me great exercises to add to my training and group classes on a daily basis.  Patricia Vanacore, ACE Certified Professional

I gained a greater understanding of trunk stabilization. I will increase the usage of the G Ball in my training sessions.  Thomas Hay, ACE Certified Professional

I have gained a better understanding of the different types of bad postures and a wider array of techniques to combat them from the GMP Fitness Posture Analysis Specialist. I like that these techniques can be used and adapted for all ages and ability levels. I intend to incorporate more G Ball training into clients workouts; particularly the stretches. With my clients that have postural issues I can now incorporate a rehabilitative program into their training as well. It was very good. I found the information useful.  Joneé Sustaita, ACE Certified Professional

I gained specific ways to identify and correct poor posture. Identify postural problems and use exercises to correct.  Dawnell Holt, ACE Certified Professional

Posture analysis and corrective exercises. Assess posture as requested and offer corrective exercises.  Wong Cheuk Him, Wong Cheuk Him, Not Certified

I gained a better awareness of posture for both self and clients.  Heidi York, ACE Certified Professional

A better knowledge base on different posture issues and how to counter the issues. I will use the forms and charts and implement posture correction into each session.  Roseann Whyte, ACE Certified Professional

More info on Posture. Using the G Ball.  MICHAEL GANCI, AFPA Certified Professional

I gained how to teach my clients better posture and to teach my clients to have a healthier lifestyle.  Thomas Anglin, AFPA Certified Professional

More information of the benefits of some of these exercises I have been doing with clients from the Posture Analysis Specialist Course. New exercises to use with current clients. I work with many clients over 40 and almost all of them have posture imbalances and some type of pain during certain movements. I will be able to correct these things.  Lisa Rendina, NCCPT Certified Professional

I gained an understanding of how to use the G Ball to correct posture imbalances.  I will use the exercise ideas with my senior clients.  Kerry Brockmann, ACE Certified Professional

I gained additional knowledge in assessments and ways to correct imbalances. Assessments are critical in initial client interaction. Liked the exercises presented.   Patty Heivly, ACE Certified Professional

I have gained the knowledge to identify and help to correct improper posture positions. I will apply this by using the exercises I have learned to help correct posture problems with my clients. The course was very informative and easy to follow.  Ted Smith, ACE Certified Professional

Exercises and stretches to help improve my clients posture. I will incorporate these exercises into their routines depending on there current postural issues.  Jordan Powers, ACE Certified Professional

I have gained the tools needed to asses a client’s posture and implement the appropriate corrective exercises. I will run posture analysis as part of my monthly check-ins with clients. If necessary, I will offer the appropriate routine for strengthening and/or correcting. It was easy to follow.  Brandon Michael Holt, ACE Certified Professional

Another training tool to help improve fitness. To spend some time on posture with each session to improve fitness.  Barbara Ross, AFPA Certified Professional

Instructions how to explain proper posture to clients. Using cue given on correcting posture.  Linda Pomeroy, ACE Certified Professional

New Posture exercises to use with clients. Evaluate and implement new exercises based on the analysis technique described.  Elizabeth Sauvageau-Pirone, ACE Certified Professional

A comprehensive approach to fixing dysfunction per the specific type. I will evaluate all athletes and general population clients I work with to ensure they have a solid base.  Blaire Camarda, AFPA Certified Professional

“Exercise tips to correct postural imbalances. Encouraging proper exercise form.” – Jon Arena, ACE Certified Professional

Excellent very clear and easy to follow with very useful tips on spotting posture and helpful ideas that can be incorporated into exercise programs to address postural issues.  Nicole Tomasino, Certified Professional

I love the Posture Analysis Specialist Certification course. I’ve learned so much. Thanks.  Vivian Walker, Certified Professional

Nice addition for my services. Thank you.  Jimmie Johnson, Certified Professional

Fantastic program! Very easy to follow and quite informative.  Joelle Gobeil, Certified Professional

I gained new tools and exercises to use with my clients’ exercise prescriptions.  Ashlee Bartek, Certified Professional

I learned new techniques using the G Ball and resistance band as an alternative to using strictly heavy weights.  Brooke Pasterczyk, Certified Professional

I have gained new stretches and exercises using the stability ball and I will incorporate the new techniques into my training practice.  Valentina Tartivita, Certified Professional

I truly enjoyed this course. It was an easy format to follow  I love the tools provided and I am glad someone finally did something on postural training.  Candy McLain, Certified Professional

My clients were very pleased with the exercises that I showed them that came from this course.  Larry Bazzle, Certified Professional

Really liked the course. Look forward to future courses.  Douglas Kirk, Certified Professional

Very glad that this course is appropriate for working with golfers. My father is 90 years old and still playing 3x a week. I will be using this course in an adaptive fashion to help him and other golfers his age.  Lynda D. Coleman, Certified Professional

A very user-friendly course to follow and I appreciate how easy you’ve made it to handout material to my clients.  Christie Tabbi, Certified Professional

This was a great class! I have learned some new exercises to improve posture with a clear format. I can now suggest individual exercises or format a class.  Elizabeth Gauen, Certified Professional

I have gained new ways to work with my clients in areas I have not done yet. These exercises will help me when working with some of my senior clients are unable to work on my equipment.  Christine R. Shell, Certified Professional

Great course!! I gained knowledge of postural problems and how to spot them and many exercises to help correct the problem. I love the G Ball. All these exercises I feel should be used on a regular basis.  Shelly Lynn Thompson, Certified Professional

I have gained more awareness of posture for myself and others. This will help improve and maintain good posture.  Paul Immekus, Certified Professional

Very helpful and interesting information. I have gained more ideas and insight on posture and exercises to correct it.  Paula Garchow, Certified Professional

I have learned stretching and strengthening techniques to improve posture. Very good knowledge to have as a personal fitness trainer.  David Salangsang, Certified Professional

I really enjoyed the thoroughness in the material. It was concise, clear and approachable.  Mary Clapp, Certified Professional

I learned a lot about the G Ball and great exercises to help with issues in different people’s posture.  Valerie Lacey, Certified Professional

Excellent instruction on proper use of the G Ball to improve and correct posture both for myself and for my clients.  Susan Dahl, Certified Professional

I have many clients who have shoulder issues and I plan to use many of the exercises in this program with them.  Christine A Eberlein, Certified Professional

I was pleased with the course and I look forward to using some of the new exercises I learned with my clients.  Eddie Ruble, Certified Professional

The Posture Analysis Specialist Certification was very useful course. All trainers would benefit from taking it. Kitt Kelly, Certified Professional

I liked having outlined programs for the different postures.  Denise Talley, Certified Professional

Good Course. I am more able to identify postural problems and offer corrections.  Linda Budlong, Certified Professional

My students like working with the ball and improving their posture. I have noticed an improvement in their posture. They notice the reduction of aches and pains, especially in the lower back, neck and shoulders.  Kerry Wolf, Certified Professional

Offered me a variety of new exercises and stretches to incorporate with my clients and group exercise classes. I will use the Postural Analysis as a tool to provide feedback to my clients.  Jennifer Spiegel, Certified Professional

I enjoyed your course. I liked the workbook along with DVD.  Mary Ann Corrao, Certified Professional

This course was excellent. It provided info for a variety of clients and helped me identify the best program for each client based on their needs. Mavis McCowan, Certified Professional

I learned various new exercises for the upper back and shoulder area that I will use for clients who need to work on upper body strength and ROM.  Rachel Mittleman, Certified Professional

Good review on postures. Thorough explanation of postural assessments and exercises in the Posture Analysis Specialist Certification.  Amanda Sommer, Certified Professional

This course was excellent. I have been using the stretches that I learned in this course in my yoga class. The posture exercises are great. I am looking forward to taking more classes with GMP Fitness.  Byrenda Areanaa Hands, Certified Professional

One of the most professional, educational, clear home study programs I have ever taken. Those who choose this will benefit greatly form Gina’s expertise.  Kim Huff, Certified Professional

Great exercises to add into programming and to add something different.  Catherine Kopec, Certified Professional

I was very pleased; received many new techniques I can use with both my patients and fitness clients.  Deborah A Willey, Certified Professional

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